When you think about the fun places that you liked to go as a child, there are probably quite a few that come to mind. Parks, family vacations, even the store. But it is very unlikely that anyone has fond memories of going to the dentist. In fact, it is probably pretty rare to hear of an adult looking forward to a dental appointment. A lot of this has to do with the discomfort of having someone digging around in your mouth, or the memories of pain associated with the dentist, as many people have had to deal with cavities, fillings, braces, and other painful events. But it does not have to be this way, and many pediatric dentists are doing what they can to remedy this general perspective.
Family dentists who want kids to get excited about oral care
There will likely always be an element of discomfort in going to the dentist. But part of avoiding those uncomfortable visits or painful oral afflictions is learning about and applying the right preventative care. Family dentists will often focus on the kids, even if there is not much oral work to do, in order to get them to understand and be interested in the ways that they can take care of their teeth and gums, and in that way, avoid the pain that often leads to the association of dread with a visit to the dentist.
Understanding the importance of dental health for your kids
When your little infant gains his or her first teeth, it is incredibly exciting. There is no end to the cuteness, and every new tooth that comes in is a new celebration. Once all of those teeth come in, your child hangs on to those baby teeth for about six years. They act as placeholders for the permanent teeth that will soon be on their way. But just because baby teeth are not permanent does not mean that they should be neglected. In fact, damage to those baby teeth can lead to significant dental issues later on. Not only that, but kids who have less than ideal oral health are actually three times more likely to end up missing school days because of toothaches or other oral pain and discomfort.
Preparing children for a life of good dental habits
Sadly, over 40% of children develop dental cavities before they even get to kindergarten. Tooth decay is actually much more common in children than you might think, as it is 20 times more common than diabetes, as well as five times more common than childhood asthma. It can be difficult to get a child excited about brushing and flossing his or her teeth, but it is possible. And developing those positive habits early on sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Keeping up on healthy oral care also helps children avoid the fear of going to the dentist that so many adults still have well into their later years.
Going to the dentist really is not so bad. There is quite the stigma associated with it, and sometimes that is all that it takes for people to have one type of feeling toward something or another. Taking care of your teeth and gums means better overall health and no need to fear the dentist.