In this video, you will learn about dentures. Complete dentures replace all of the teeth in your mouth. There are also other options for dentures. You could have one denture or a few.
You could have a tooth removed and then a denture inserted that same visit. Over time, the gums can change. It is not uncommon for this to happen to most people. Dentists will try to use veneers as an option, rather than dentures because of this reason. A complete denture set is required when someone has to get all or most of their teeth removed. If you have had a tooth taken out, the gums will adapt to that and probably heal around the empty space. That’s why it is important to get a veneer or denture put in right away. If too much time passes, the denture may come loose and could fall out. The healing process usually takes around three months. After this time, you may need to return to your dentist and get a readjustment. There is a lot to know about dentures and dental vaneers. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.