Cosmetic Dentists Keep Chicago Smiling

Best cosmetic dentist in chicago

We live in a country where people do not always agree on everything (does anyone else remember the cola wars?). So it is an impressive number when a whopping 99.7 percent of Americans agree on anything. That near perfect score represents the percentage of Americans who believe a smile is important. A nice smile is a social asset.

To keep those smiles bright, there are some good cosmetic dentists Chicago Il residents can call. Just as it is all over the rest of the country, in Chicago cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular. Once believed to be an industry mainly for actors and models in search of the picture perfect smile, now people of all ages, backgrounds and professions are likely to be patients of a cosmetic dentist in Chicago.

Over half of all patients who visit a cosmetic dentist (51 percent ) are between 41 and 60 years old. The average patient spends between 5000 and 6000 dollars improving his or her smile. With that kind of expense involved it is a good thing that there are excellent qualified dentists Chicago Il.

In the United States, approximately 1.4 billion dollars are spent on tooth whitening products each year. To help keep those whiter teeth clean, dentists chicago il and all over the country recommend regular brushing and flossing. The average toothbrush has over 25,000 bristles in 40 groups known as tufts. So keep brushing, keep smiling, and if you would like to whiten that smile call one of the great cosmetic dentists chicago Il has.

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