In some cases, a tooth may fail to erupt properly into the regular position, partially growing through the jawbone and gum tissues. The most common impacted tooth is canine, which is a vital tooth in the dental arch and contributes a lot in framing your smile as well chewing. An impacted canine tooth can be hereditary, meaning it’s genetically instigated or as a result of environmental factors such as overcrowding or missing root.
While an ingrown tooth poses no threat to the patient if left untreated, impacted tooth surgery can help you avoid potentially serious dental problems. One of the most common problems with impacted canine teeth is the unwanted pressure exerted on adjacent teeth and nerves, which can cause immense pain and damage the surrounding teeth structures.
These are the three most severe effects of an impacted canine tooth
1.Resorption and Misalignment
Naturally, primary tooth gets replaced by permanent tooth, a process called tooth root resorption. The secondary tooth wears down the root of the milk tooth, forcing it to fall out. However, an impacted canine tooth with unusual positioning can lead to severe dental problems.
Palatally impacted maxillary canines will fail to resorb the root of the incoming tooth so the primary tooth will stay in position. The problem, however, arises when the misaligned canine tooth starts to erode the roots of an adjacent tooth. This is referred to as permanent maxillary lateral incisor. If the condition is left untreated, damage to adjacent healthy teeth may lead to serious jaw problems and possible tooth loss. Misalignment is one the major effects of an impacted canine tooth, and although the resorption may not affect the adjacent teeth directly, the pressure may still push it out of position, causing malocclusion.
2.Cysts and Tumors
An untreated impacted canine tooth is also at risk of developing a cyst or tumor. The abnormal growth of these tissues may push adjacent teeth out of its proper position. Other than that, the cysts can wear out the thickened ridge that holds teeth socket, leading to pathological fracture which can impair dental function.
3.Tooth Decay
An impacted canine tooth is a serious problem for the entire oral health. Since canines are mostly active when chewing, impacted tooth exert pressure on the adjacent teeth causing them to wear out prematurely. Due to lack of proper dental hygiene, an untreated canine tooth is defenceless against teeth infections and decay. And this can spread decay to surrounding teeth. When a gap is left behind by an impacted canine, food particles get trapped in between the crevice, fostering the growth of bacteria, which later causes periodontal disease.
These are just some of the effects of an impacted canine tooth. Visit a dentist if you have a concern about an impacted canine tooth to get a better understanding of your condition and avoid serious dental problems.